The Lushtemples
The Lushtemples NYC In September 2022 were presented at the Armory Show in New York a collection of 6 unique plotter drawings called "Lushtemples NYC".
The following works labeled "Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday" where minted live from the event, one for each day of the fair, in a spirit of inclusivity, to allow collectors from around the world to take part in the show.
Ignis Et Sanguis
Stills From Last Night
The 1/1 Lushtemples
Lushtemples -Genesis The Lushtemples series started on Hic et Nunc in October 2021, with a series of monochrome-themed generative artworks with a old-world look.
Printed examples
Added @zancan's tribute to the Blue Bird to my collection.

Blue Bird's life was bared
Blossoms bloom on its bed
Blown by the breeze
But on the blockchain it became
Blissfully Immutable August 7, 2023
These 4 make me ☺️ big time.

- Landscape with Carbon Capture, 2022 #4679
- A Bugged Forest #421
- Landscape with Carbon Capture, 2022 #443
- Three Days Of Summer#NFT #CleanNFTs #genart #genartclub #zancan — NΞ◎M◎RF ᵍᵐ .tez.eth (@neomorf_xyz) November 27, 2022

Aleksandra Art 🇺🇦@aljaparis
I'll make you okay @zancan link September 13, 2024
mekhno / Marc L Clapers@mekhno_art
1/1 physical print (unique part of a big piece fragmented) by @zancan
such a cool gift 💚🙏 September 17, 2022
Two of my favourite artists have been releasing new editions on Tezos recently

I'll make you okay by @zancan October 2, 2024
@zancan, your art fills my home. I look at your art every morning when I wake up. I look at your art while I sit at my desk. My family sees your art every single day--and are blessed because of what they get to see. The reach of your art is far and wide. Thank you!December 23, 2023
Synchronicity by @zancan
2023 We keep going ~ @tezos @Tezos_Taiwan @FAB_DAO @VolumeDAO @AkaswapCom January 1, 2023
corporate trash@ct
Three Days of Summer by @zancan February 7, 2024
Anna Wolf@NftEconomist
Oh, thank! What a surprise! I got scammed. I saw it was a scam, but probably clicked the button and later was careless in approving the transaction. So grateful, as I missed your Garden Monoliths last Thursday night. "Overgrown With Vegetation" will always make me smile. ☺️December 12, 2021
krrl53 🌍@krrl53
It was also a real pleasure to meet premium artists like @zancan .I was fortunate not only to be able to get two of his unique pieces signed by him, but also to be able to buy his last piece of the Lush temples collection, “Three Days Of Summer”. 🔥🔥. September 18, 2022