The black works In April 2021, "Generative Springtime 01" was the first NFT ever minted by zancan, which was never listed for sale, and then burnt. This series is a continuation of that white ink on black square paper. All of the following works can be ordered as physical plotter drawings from the print shop.
Printed examples
Didi 🍋@lemonde2d
A Long Thread and A Bugged Forest #352 by @zancan October 8, 2022
Generative Springtime 02 by @zancan On April 23, 2021, OBJKT#43891 was minted on HicEtNunc under the name zancan. It was never listed for sale. Later on, it was sent to a burn address. It wasn't until 6 months later that the first artwork in the Lushtemples series was minted. January 27, 2024
zancan 🌿@zancan
"Generative Springtime 02" plotter edition 1
Shipping to @Will__POP
Longer version on vimeo link #plottertwitter July 4, 2022
otto have it@Monte86Cristo
‘Datascape’ by @DataVelvet ; ‘Everything,made simple’ by @zancan ; ‘Primordial’ by @davidbriceallen ; ‘Ottez’ by @OTTEZnft/ @wwwombats #ottez #zancan #tezos #tezoscommunity #tezosnfts #NFTCommunity October 22, 2022
L.A.U. - gralis.tez/eth@moontanteth
Some things I really like about Generative Springtime 2 by @zancan

1- THE STORY: its Lushtemple’s lost genesis mint, burned and then revived from the ashes.
2- Its black background/paper which makes it quite rare compared to most of his other works and looks amazing on print June 9, 2022
1/What a week!

Picked up some beautiful art, here’s what we got:

‘A Long Thread’ by @zancan.
An absolutely stunning single line drawing as a tribute to the late ser @HerbertWFranke. October 7, 2022
new owner of “Everything, made simple”.

My first .@zancan, super stoked to have this. 💜 — • (@uglygmi) October 14, 2022

Guillaume Horen@guillaumeh
Une simple ligne...
Cadre en noyer, verre anti-reflet et anti-UV pour cette merveille de @zancan 🌿, "Everything Made Simple" acquise pour @21xnft, que je viens de récupérer chez mon encadreur préféré, Guillaume Martel. April 15, 2023
-sys(cry) 🌸@syscry_
I feel that Generative Springtime 02 is one of the most beautiful and most important @zancan's pieces in terms of art but also the story behind it. Glad to add this masterpiece to my #tezos collection. May 19, 2022
Completely hypnotising.
It was my first plot! Opened my new AxiDraw today.
Picked the wrong paper (too rough), and not a good pen, which almost died through the process.
Still, proud of its imperfection.
This plotter is going to introduce a big disruption in my practice. March 7, 2023
zancan 🌿@zancan
Why do we need robust pen lifting mechanisms for plotting
a thread 🧵👇
1/1 🙃 October 2, 2022
Guillaume Horen@guillaumeh
Everything, made simple by @zancan 🌿😍 January 16, 2024
Plot testing @zancan ‘s Everything, made simple. Might take a few iterations to get it perfect. #genart #axidraw May 27, 2023
ssshihtung 🛸@seeingsun
"Everything, made simple" by @zancan
Collected with luck, touched by it's art and thoughts October 14, 2022
Picked up "A Long Thread" by @zancan

To get it plotted or not? April 22, 2023
bigbully 🙃@BigbullyE
My "black" @zancan collection. Everything made simple, A Bugged Forest #412 & Landscape with Carbon Capture #11225. Powerful decision to use black for nature December 5, 2022
I have the best luck with @zancan drops! Won 3/3 now!!!
This beauty is the latest -
"Everything, made simple" October 14, 2022
zancan 🌿@zancan
The long thread. Single-line plotter drawing. #plottertwitter October 3, 2022
gm ☕️

Everything, made simple by @zancan

Sometimes life can seem easy or we get caught up in the daily routines, and others we realize it can be a chaotic heart-wrenching, and beautifully messy experience. Make sure to remember to feel today and take in the moments of the day — ΞAsp0rts.eth ⛺️ (@EthAsp0rts) October 24, 2022

Dylan Strauss@dylznick
Thank you so much @zancan for the lovely print from your shop! It is truly an honor to receive the first print edition of Generative Springtime 02 and I will find a suitable frame after my holiday next month. It is stunning in person! I appreciate it so much! May 25, 2022