The black works In April 2021, "Generative Springtime 01" was the first NFT ever minted by zancan, which was never listed for sale, and then burnt. This series is a continuation of that white ink on black square paper. All of the following works can be ordered as physical plotter drawings from the print shop.
Printed examples
Guillaume Horen@guillaumeh
Une simple ligne...
Cadre en noyer, verre anti-reflet et anti-UV pour cette merveille de @zancan 🌿, "Everything Made Simple" acquise pour @21xnft, que je viens de récupérer chez mon encadreur préféré, Guillaume Martel. April 15, 2023
zancan 🌿@zancan
The long thread. Single-line plotter drawing. #plottertwitter October 3, 2022
bigbully 🙃@BigbullyE
My "black" @zancan collection. Everything made simple, A Bugged Forest #412 & Landscape with Carbon Capture #11225. Powerful decision to use black for nature December 5, 2022
"Everything, made simple", masterpiece from @zancan added to my collection, unique 100 edition.

Minimalistic art. The isolated plant in the bottom right corner is my focus point. Alone, isolated but still in connection with other elements of nature. It is me. November 12, 2022
otto have it@Monte86Cristo
‘Datascape’ by @DataVelvet ; ‘Everything,made simple’ by @zancan ; ‘Primordial’ by @davidbriceallen ; ‘Ottez’ by @OTTEZnft/ @wwwombats #ottez #zancan #tezos #tezoscommunity #tezosnfts #NFTCommunity October 22, 2022
zancan 🌿@zancan
Why do we need robust pen lifting mechanisms for plotting
a thread 🧵👇
1/1 🙃 October 2, 2022
Completely hypnotising.
It was my first plot! Opened my new AxiDraw today.
Picked the wrong paper (too rough), and not a good pen, which almost died through the process.
Still, proud of its imperfection.
This plotter is going to introduce a big disruption in my practice. March 7, 2023
zancan 🌿@zancan
"Generative Springtime 02" plotter edition 1
Shipping to @Will__POP
Longer version on vimeo link #plottertwitter July 4, 2022
1/What a week!

Picked up some beautiful art, here’s what we got:

‘A Long Thread’ by @zancan.
An absolutely stunning single line drawing as a tribute to the late ser @HerbertWFranke. October 7, 2022
Didi 🍋@lemonde2d
A Long Thread and A Bugged Forest #352 by @zancan October 8, 2022
L.A.U. - gralis.tez/eth@moontanteth
Some things I really like about Generative Springtime 2 by @zancan

1- THE STORY: its Lushtemple’s lost genesis mint, burned and then revived from the ashes.
2- Its black background/paper which makes it quite rare compared to most of his other works and looks amazing on print June 9, 2022
Dylan Strauss@dylznick
Thank you so much @zancan for the lovely print from your shop! It is truly an honor to receive the first print edition of Generative Springtime 02 and I will find a suitable frame after my holiday next month. It is stunning in person! I appreciate it so much! May 25, 2022
Generative Springtime 02 by @zancan On April 23, 2021, OBJKT#43891 was minted on HicEtNunc under the name zancan. It was never listed for sale. Later on, it was sent to a burn address. It wasn't until 6 months later that the first artwork in the Lushtemples series was minted. January 27, 2024
I have the best luck with @zancan drops! Won 3/3 now!!!
This beauty is the latest -
"Everything, made simple" October 14, 2022
Picked up "A Long Thread" by @zancan

To get it plotted or not? April 22, 2023
new owner of “Everything, made simple”.

My first .@zancan, super stoked to have this. 💜 — • (@uglygmi) October 14, 2022

Jason Dartford@jasondartford
Thrilled to mint A Long Thread by @zancan on Teia.

Beautiful work as always! 🙂#tezos #XTZ October 7, 2022
Plot testing @zancan ‘s Everything, made simple. Might take a few iterations to get it perfect. #genart #axidraw May 27, 2023
Guillaume Horen@guillaumeh
Everything, made simple by @zancan 🌿😍 January 16, 2024
gm ☕️

Everything, made simple by @zancan

Sometimes life can seem easy or we get caught up in the daily routines, and others we realize it can be a chaotic heart-wrenching, and beautifully messy experience. Make sure to remember to feel today and take in the moments of the day — ΞAsp0rts.eth ⛺️ (@EthAsp0rts) October 24, 2022