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#23660Squares on squares by smldms #7124Valentine by elsif #30209Jubilee by Monty Bartlett #7783The Fortress by andronov04 #8087Cute Egg by ON#ON #700UKIGUMO by akizuki.eth #16228Love & Wild by Qotonana #8173Schwebender Köpfe by crivelito #9150Unswept Floor by trisant #2285Sun in the leaves by Sugato_K #860the endless dance by infinite #30352The Visual Acuity of Denominated Magnons by mandybrigwell #952AlmostCircle by ARTEFACT #9672matrix by aemkei #11383Blurry Stripes by smldms #3662automatic_composition_03 by João Salazar #13939Motors by 1mpo$ter #22815Cold materials by unsleeping_ik #22958BOTS by trzanko #111828what? by 0xm4 #24157City Plans by pb67art #17887Here & Now by XALTED #23728Voyeurs by wage_du #23835Begin Again by Gray Team #20314Appropriate Hidden Breeze by Nate Nolting #26385Owls✓ by RUF-US #2436Pixelbots by P1x3lboy #21188fx(sprinkles) by pixelwank #24766Maybe B&W (first run) by Jorge Ledezma #9010Rug by erfanhoseini #8749Space Voyage by Gerwyn #6151Smoky Mountains by clayheaton #25485Morixels Monkey by Morteza_Yousefi #2219distorted.areas by markknol #20462An unrealisable painting by Marcelo #7889fxApe by Littlesilver #29773Isometric Dreams by RobScalera #24632LineFlow by Ves M S #6058Carnevale by Emanuele Pasin #6369Petals by neigal #24647Bladermassa by Bart Simons #24673genuary32nd: intersections by sharla #25502Unfinished Loom by krach #2914Spacegrid by xao777 #17825Abstract Space by Sabha #28414Eikonal identities by HAL09999 #18109Plottable Slimes by greweb #30609Sigh by #8033INTERLINKED–1 by Thomas Noya #2995The Rifting by pxlshrd #8978warpGrid by d_ho__ #12285Origin-a-tions I: Creation by yenren #4446Stack by grainy #27192Destructures by nicolasdnl #4893Feedback Control (interactive) (w/ music) by Glitchachu #6722Between Integers by bouncethecurve #11433Forgive me by Qotonana #6736synchrony by iak gineok #7375011822-00 by 00_.._00 #8201Botany by Dorian Lods #8636Charge by TENGIL #18011The Living Book #1 by Ferdinand Dervieux #8754Iterated alteration by popeye #4358Cathedral by Ad Mortem Festinamus #147pico_cascades by aebrer #17985Abstract Life by ChistAi #6516Basic by yepayepayepa =¥ EmProps #5538SKYLIGHTS by Harry Isaac #4839Two Specimen by Orr Kislev #20252Neo Supremus by Gorilla Sun

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