Digital art can have a life beyond the screen. What we call physicals can come in a variety of forms. Here we make mostly two kinds of such physicals : prints and plots, ore more recently embroidery.
Prints, or Giclee, are made thanks to a inkjet printing machine. They are the most faithful to the digital original, and can come in very large formats with extreme level of detail. Unless specified otherwise, this is the medium you would get by ordering from
Plots are drawings traced with "real" pencils by the artist, assisted by a robotic device. Plots require solid craftsmanship and are hard to make, they can need several days of work and are limited in size. zancan's plots are scarce and valuable.
zancan's print store is the entry point for every collector who would like to purchase or redeem a physical piece. At the moment, the print store is token gated, which means that the printed or plotter artworks can be purchased only by collectors who own the digital piece as a NFT.
The print store will first ask you to log in with your wallet ( Tezos, Ethereum or Verse account ). It will browse your wallet(s) and find which zancan NFTs are available for printing.
Access the print store